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How our week looks

In 3M PE - Wednesday and Thursday Pupils need a full kit and pumps which fit in school on these days. Library - Books can be changed ...

Monday 9 October 2017

Dear Parents

Dear Parents   

 Some people have been worrying about homework so I'd like to clear up what is expected.   

 Reading at least three times a week is expected throughout the school and all children are rewarded for this by earning badges, certificates and free books. 

 Homework is set every 2 weeks and pupils have that 2 weeks to complete it in any way they wish. This is left open to allow for creativity. 

 Pupils have been given logins to several sites which will help them make progress. This is currently mymaths, sumdog and IDL but others maybe given. 

While pupils are rewarded forgoing on these sites and pupils throughout the school enjoy them, they are not punished for not being able to as I am aware that there are sometimes difficulties with regards to different devices or sites temporarily not working. Sometimes there are ways round, such as downloading an app but as they are external sites school cannot fix if they do not work on your particular device or a certain day.   I will try to print out alternatives when this is possible.

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